
Showing posts from June, 2018

CUC Treasurer's Report for May/June 2018

  Thank you, Congregation, for inviting me to serve you again as Treasurer. Introductions I'm Dwight Rudolph. I was your Treasurer from 1998 thru 2000, during the run-up and fundraising for the previous church remodeling.  I was your business manager from roughly 2003 to 2011.   In both those roles I was also bookkeeper.  This time, Lindsey Stevenson is bookkeeper and business manager.  I'll be representing you to the finance, church property, and stewardship committees, providing an additional sanity check on budgeting and spending, and representing those committees to the church Council.  Lindsey will work far harder than I will, and I'm okay with that. My education is as an electrical engineer, and I've worked most of my career as a computer analyst / programmer / whatever the stylish title is.  I'm currently in the last few years of my career, working for a local gas exploration and production company. I alternate between the 8 AM and 10 AM service